
Today’s Resolution: Take Your Vitamins

Time to start the week off right, and taking vitamins can help you feel your best. We’re based on the the East Coast, so during the winter months, my doctor recommends taking a Vitamin D supplement  because we tend to lack in the sunshine department. I get my daily vitamins in the full serving of Vega I have every morning, but if you don’t already have a multi-vitamin, take some time today to research the one that’ just right for you. Amanda discovered a couple years ago that she doesn’t absorb B-12 very easily and needs monthly shots if she wants to be up to par, so I’d also recommend asking your doctor what additional vitamins and supplements are right for you.

Today’s Resolution: Create Your Own Cocktail

Mission critical: All cocktail recipes have been destroyed, bartenders minds have been erased, and it’s Friday! That means it’s up to you to come up with the most bodacious new cocktail recipe to save the world from vodka, run and tequila boredom.

If you can recall anything, and I mean anything from the days before cocktails were eliminated, you’re welcome to modify a classic, or use your imagination to come up with something completely unique.

Be sure to document this one. Back when cocktails still existed, I can recall making lots of delicious concoctions only to have forgotten them when the sun rose in the morning.

Take photos, post them on our Facebook page, hashtag them on Twitter (#lifeordepth), note your ingredients, and have fun.

Best of luck in your cocktail shaking endeavors,

Patrick H.

Today’s Resolution: Plan a Party

Plan a Party

Introverts, beware: your goal today is to plan a party! Just kidding, this is your party, so you can invite as many, or as few people as you want. Plan a birthday party for your dog, or throw a giant Superbowl bash – it makes no difference to us. Think you can’t throw a party where you live? That’s fine, plan it somewhere else. We can think of few ways to get out of this one (after all, we didn’t say when the party has to be), so let the party-planning commence!

What kind of party will you throw? An anti-superbowl party? A chili-cookoff party?

Do share in the comments, we all need party ideas!

Best of luck to the party-planning committee,

– Patrick H.

Today’s Resolution: Work On Your Penmanship

I still remember what my penmanship looked like back in the days of penmanship practice. Much like calculus, cursive is just one of those skills that never really transferred into adulthood. That, and typing using “home row”. While I do physically compulsively hand-write post-it notes every day, it’s hard to recall the last time I wrote a letter, or anything that might resemble it. So, for that, today’s resolution is to practice your penmanship.

Today’s Resolution: Sleep In, It’s Sunday!

We’ve always been told that Sunday is a day of rest. Tell that to the manager of that gas station I worked at throughout highschool and my first year in college. 5am on a Sunday? I definitely don’t miss those days. Ehem.. anyway.. Today you have permission to sleep in as long as you want. Or, if you have kids, as long as they’ll let you. And if you completed yesterday’s resolution, you’re probably already completing this one without even knowing it!

Today’s Resolution: Stay Up Two Hours Past Your Bedtime

When’s the last time you stayed up super late? And what’s your version of late these days? 12am? 2am? 4am? Pulling an all-nighter? When’s the last time you really added a few extra hours into your day? Was it college? Was it this past New Year’s eve? Tonight is your night. If you’ve got kids, keep them up late too and plan accordingly, because I’ll give a little hint as to tomorrow’s resolution: it involves sleeping in.

So grab a late dinner, drink coffee until 9pm, pop popcorn, throw in your favorite video game, movie, or art project. It’s all good, you’re in it for the long haul!

Ideas for things to do in the wee hours of the morning on a Saturday night:

  • Go out with friends and plan a late night on the town
  • Watch Saturday Night Live, (and all those other shows)
  • Read the latest Life or Depth email at midnight
  • Go see a midnight movie at a theater close by
  • Catch up on some shows you DVR’d
  • Spend sometime with a loved one… in bed… not sleeping!

What will you do? Bonus point for anyone who stays up to watch the sun rise, but not required. Let me know your plans in the comments.


Today’s Resolution: Go for Broke

Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!

Today your goal is to keep your money in your bank account. Don’t blow $2-4 on a single coffee. No $12 salad for lunch. Today you’ll be brown-bagging it like the third grade. At the end of the day, take note of how much money you saved. And if you read this resolution too late to plan ahead, try it tomorrow.

Today’s Resolution: Act Like a Superhero

If people didn’t like superheroes, the box office would be broke right now. So today, be a superhero: a superhero of household chores, a superhero of getting your own coffee, a superhero of standing up for someone getting picked on, a superhero of holding the door for a line of people that never seems to end… you get it. Be awesome. Be independent. Be “the better person”.

Unless you’re physically unable to do something, don’t ask for help today. Instead, help everyone else. Help people when they ask for it. Help people when they don’t ask for it. Choose your favorite superhero and go with it.

No capes necessary, just love for our fellow humans. Step into your invisible (or visible, if you like) superhero costume and for every situation today, ask yourself “how can I do this better than anyone else?” Then flex your muscles in the mirror like Popeye.

And when your day of crime-frighting ends today, a beer or glass of wine will surely be well-deserved.

Complete: Act Like a SuperHero (and other tales of crab-napping)…

Today’s Resolution: Beat the Heat; Conquer the Cold

Regardless of where you are geographically, the thermostat can exercise its control over us whether you live in a warm, cold, or temperate climate. Turning the air conditioning up (or the heat down in cooler months) even just a degree can help in decreasing monthly costs for energy.

Have a finished basement? This can serve as refuge from the heat. In many cases, basements are naturally cooler and no air conditioning is needed. Other things you can do to conserve energy: check windows to be sure they are completely closed when using the air conditioning or heat, close shades and curtains in unused rooms, and dress comfortably. It doesn’t cost anything to strip down to a t-shirt and shorts or to throw a blanket around you.

Today’s Resolution: Make Friends With Your Neighbors

Knowing the people that live around you can be very helpful in emergency situations. It’s also great way to meet new friends. Today, strike up a conversation with your neighbor. Amanda & I have been weathering Tropical Storm Debby for the past couple of days. We’ve made friends with our neighbors which has been helpful since we are new to the Florida area.