
Today’s Resolution: Sing in the Shower

No need to pipe down this morning for anyone! If you feel like singing that tune that’s been stuck in your head, sing it! Use your shampoo bottle as a microphone and the shower as your stage. Just don’t, you know, whip open the curtain or anything. Things could get a little… damp.

Today’s Resolution: Plan a Labyrinth Walk

Today’s Resolution: Do That Thing for That Person Who Asked You That Time

Today’s Resolution: Make a Toast to Something Important

Today’s Resolution: Give It All You’ve Got

Some people have “it” and some people don’t. I’d like to think that anyone who’s following our little resolution blog probably has “it”. And by “it” I mean, motivation, power, confidence, free-will and the awesomeness to want to change the world. They do their own laundry, pay their own bills, shovel when it snows and by golly if a friend needs help moving, they don’t even ask for free pizza and beer!

So today’s resolution is to “give it all you’ve got”. Despite having a bad week, or even a bad hair day, just be awesome today. Don’t do anything half-assed and be proud of everything you accomplish, even if it’s just taking out the trash.

Today’s Resolution: Don’t Think About Money

Money is the root of all evil, right? We need clothes, food and a roof over our heads to survive. Everything else is either debt, dreams or desire. For me, dreams cause the majority of my financial stress, though I know lots of people who suffer from desire (those status-stamping designer handbags) and even more that are sinking in debt. So today your resolution is to forget about it. For one day (unless you’re a cashier or bank teller), try not to think about the green. Whether you need to use it today or not, don’t let a lack of it affect your dreams, and don’t let a debt of it ruin your day.

Today’s Resolution: Love Where You Live

Personally, I have a life-long goal to love where I live. Maybe even love a place long enough that I’ll stay forever. For now, I haven’t lived enough places to really make that kind of decision, but it doesn’t mean that our kick-butt loft on the water isn’t absolutely lovely. How about you? Even if you don’t love where you live, you can probably dig up enough good qualities about your abode that make you thankful. So today, be conscious of your surroundings, appreciate, and love where you live.

Today’s Resolution: Skip Coffee & Wake Up To Something New

There are so many hot drinks that can replace a morning coffee. Yerba Mate is one we’ve been addicted to for a couple years, even though it takes a fancy straw and gourd to drink from. For something a little less involved, try tea, orange juice or hot chocolate even. A smoothie, perhaps? How about a bottle of water with lemon? There are plenty of healthy morning beverages without coffee. And if you don’t drink coffee, then start your day with something new anyway!

Today’s Resolution: Take a Thoughtful, Restful Nap

It’s Sunday and that’s an excuse to rest. So rest up, would you? According to the Expert’s Guide on Napping, “a nap of 60 minutes improves alertness for up to 10 hours.” However, they do tell you to “limit your nap to 45 minutes or less if you need to spring into action after dozing. Otherwise, you may drift into slow-wave sleep. Waking from this stage results in sleep inertia, that grogginess and disorientation that can last for half an hour or more.” A little nap saves your brain from mental exhaustion, lowers blood pressure and gives your memory a boost. And if you’re into learning more stuff like this, consider Jennifer Ackerman’s Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream: A Day in the Life of Your Body which is all about this kind of body-nerdery.

Today’s Resolution: Stretch Your Legs and Go Hiking

Hiking sounds a lot harder than it is, or needs to be. If you’re on a trail in the woods, you’re hiking. It doesn’t need to be a long trail or a particularly steep trail, but you’re still technically hiking. Personally, I like a trail that has everything: ups, downs, rivers, bridges, rocks and little landmarks you didn’t even know existed. It’s all about getting back to nature. There’s something a little unnatural about walking on a treadmill, isn’t there? You walk in place, and stare at your calorie count go up and up. Even if it’s cold where you are, try out a hike today (or pick a place in the future). Just so you know, you burn more calories in the cold than you do when it’s warm out!