2023Today’s Resolution: Create Positive Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Today you’ll be telling yourself that you can lose weight, you will quit smoking and you do deserve that promotion. And gosh darnit, people like you!
I’m sorry if this resolution sounds like a Stuart Smalley (video) but if you keep telling yourself that your life sucks, your life is hard, that you’ll never make more money, you’ll never be happy, or that your boyfriend is cheating on you…. well, you can absolutely make all of those things a reality just by thinking that way.
Instead, think that your life is happy and amazing and it will be! Stop creating problems that don’t exist, or they will. Besides, nobody likes hanging out with negative Nancy’s or complainers (seriously, we won’t ever tell you, but we’re thinking it).
Sometimes the first step is teaching your mind to shut up when you start diving into a pool of negativity.
In the words of Barney Stinson, “when I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead.”
Be awesome instead.
Anna Goska via Facebook
Haha I swear I didn’t see this before I posted my status.
LifeorDepth.com via Facebook
Hhahaha, suuuure suuuure! 🙂
LifeorDepth.com via Facebook
It seems we were on the same page hehe.