Today’s Resolution: Donate Money to Your Favorite Cause

Donate To Your Favorite Cause

In past resolutions we’ve asked you to donate clothes and fund Kickstarter projects. Today’s resolution is to donate money to your favorite cause. Don’t have a favorite cause? Use today to think about the topics, issues and organizations that speak most to you. Donate as much as you like. If you want to take it to the next level, schedule to donate again in three months. Donations, by the way, aren’t just money. Your time is also a wonderful donation to many organizations.

What organizations and causes do you plan on donating to? Let us know in the comments.

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Today’s Resolution: Call or Visit an Elderly Relative

There is so much to learn from our grandparents, great aunts and uncles and other elderly relatives. Todays’s resolution is to call or visit one of them. See how their doing… let them know how much they mean to you. If you have the time, take them out to lunch. It will mean the world to them. Try to make ongoing plans to call or visit with them every few weeks. It will a rewarding conversation for the both of you.

Today’s resolution was submitted by one of our subscribers. If you have a idea for a resolution, submit it via email to info (at) or you can always leave it as a comment.

Today’s Resolution: Whistle With a Blade of Grass

Whistle With a Blade of Grass

Back in grade school, there were the kids who could whistle with their fingers, the kids who could only whistle with their mouths, the kids who could use a blade of grass, and the ones who couldn’t whistle at all. Today you’ll be whistling with a blade a grass. For some people it will remind them of their childhood, for others it’s a reminder of spring. Below is an instructional video to help you .

Today’s Resolution: Take a Good Photo of Yourself

Let’s face it, social media makes everyone vain. Nobody wants to look like an uggo (kidding) on that new giant Facebook timeline. Today, give into your vanity and snap a really good photo of yourself. Get dressed up, put on a fancy shirt, and take a shower. Get a haircut if you need it, and make sure you look like a million bucks. It feels good to look good, so this resolution goes beyond the polaroid.

Bonus points if you have a photographer friend take the photo for you. Be sure to share your mug on our Facebook wall, or on Twitter!

Today’s Resolution: Set Your Alarm Clock 1 Hour Earlier

Tonight before you lay down for your beauty rest, set your alarm clock one hour earlier than you usually do. I’m not going to tell you all the extra things you’ll be able to do, or the lack of stress that you’ll encounter, but I hope you’ll report back with what you got back from your extra hour!