Today’s Resolution: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de mayo

Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for “the fifth of May”, and celebrates the 1862 Battle of Puebla victory where the Mexicans kicked the crap out the French even though the French had been undefeated for fifty years and had about a third more troops! So, on this day, we Americans like the excuse to drink margaritas and eat nachos in their honor. Here are a few more ways to honor cinco de mayo:

  • Stay away from the Tex-Mex and instead opt for more traditional Mexican dishes like Chiles Rellenos, Mole Sauce, Tamales, along with a Tequila Sunrise.
  • Try a Cinco de Mayo Cocktail — 2 1/2 oz. tequila, 1 oz. grenadine, and 1 oz. lime juice combined with ice in a shaker. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lime.
  • Make some maracas!

Have some better ideas for celebrating Cinco de Mayo? Any recipes? Share them in the comments!

Today’s Resolution: Call an Old Friend

Call An Old Friend

This resolution means a lot to me personally. I have so many old friends that I’ve lost touch with over the years. I plan on calling one of them today. I’m even going to take it step further and make it a point to call another friend next Friday.

Did you reconnect with an old friend today? Share your story in the comments.

Today’s Resolution: Write a Blog Post

Writing is an excellent way to clear your mind. Keeping a public or private blog is an excellent way to keep and share your written ideas with the world.

Today you’ll get all of those thoughts and ideas out of your head and into a blog post.

You may or may not have blog or website. Thats ok. It’s super easy to create a Tumblr account. You’ll have a blog up and running in minutes.

Feel free to share links to your blog posts in the comments.

Today’s Resolution: Go To The Movies

Go To The Movies

Movies on a Wednesday? That’s right. Today, try to make it to the movies. If you have no chance of getting to them, run out to the store an grab a bag of buttery popcorn. Fire up Netflix and and have a good time.

Today’s Resolution: Bring Breakfast

Bring Breakfast

Breakfast is the most often skipped meal. Today, try to bring a co-worker or colleague breakfast. It could be something as simple as buying them a coffee. Or as elaborate as pancakes and sausage . Whatever it is, make sure they start the day with something from you.