
Today’s Resolution: Decide on Paper or Plastic

Today's Resolution: Decide on Paper or Plastic

In recent years there has been much conversation about the consumer use of paper or plastic in grocery stores for goods. How much thought have you given to the topic? Some stores across the country are no longer offering a choice to customers.  In May 2012, the city of Los Angeles approved a ban on plastic bags as well as incorporated a 10 cent fee for the use of paper bags. Reusable canvas bags have also been used by consumers, but later have been found to accumulate and store bacteria.

Make a well-informed decision on the question: paper or plastic?

If you have made a decision on this issue, can you defend it?

Today’s Resolution: Stay Tuned Up

Spend some time reviewing your music portfolio. iPods, mp3 players, phones, PCs…wherever you house your favorite music, see what needs updating.

Delete anything you do not listen to anymore, reorganize playlists, or create new playlists! Still holding on to cassettes? Got too many CDs taking up space? Consider transferring files and upgrading.

Brainstorm a song list of music you wish you had.  Revamp old collections and categorize: travel music for road trips, cleaning the house music (to blare when vacuuming), workout music (obvious), etc.

Today’s Resolution: Endeavor To Market, To Market!

Local farmers’ markets are growing across the US. Many people are under the impression that these are much more costly than commercial markets and fruits and vegetables are the only products offered to consumers. Of course, neither of these is true. Plants, handmade crafts, local wines are just a few of the treasures one might find.

Some communities even have other events linked to their market attraction: car shows, auctions, festivals, etc. The local newspaper or the website for your city or town usually posts dates and locations for the nearest markets. Even if you do not plan on purchasing anything, farmers markets make for a nice outing where you can mingle with the community; you are likely to run into someone you know.

Today’s Resolution: Copy Right

Although we live in an age where reproductions and copies are commonplace, have you considered whether you could get your hands on a copy of your very important documents? It’s a good idea to take an inventory of items you should have copies of and ensure that copies are in a safe place.

Items such as wills, any insurance policies, deeds, contracts, etc. should be copied and perhaps deposited into a safety deposit box or  handed over to a close relative (especially if he/she is an executor to your will). Even copies of a passport or a school transcript can be helpful to have on hand. Not too comfortable with having vital information in multiple places? Scan items so you have electronic copies rather than hard copies.

Today’s Resolution: Get to Know Yourself

With the revitalized interest in genealogy brought to the public’s doorstep by popular websites such as and television shows such as “Who Do Think You Are?” discovering more about your ancestral roots is becoming easier. In many cases, someone else has taken care of the digging for you and is more than willing to share their family heritage.

Sometimes it’s pure curiosity that drives people to seek more about themselves. For others, they might need vital medical history. Perhaps you are an adoptee seeking more information to understand your heredity.  Whatever it is that drives your interest, brainstorm a list of what you want to know. Talk with people in your family especially older family members. Utilize free search websites and databases. It might only take one small detail to open up a whole new world to who you are!

Today’s Resolution: Be a Yankee Doodle

Do you know the answers to “What was the name of the boundary that separated the Middle Colonies from the Southern Colonies?” or “Who was Anne Hutchinson?”

How much do you really know about the history of the USA? We celebrate the birthday of the United States with fireworks, cookouts, and social gatherings. Adding a little trivia to your 4th of July or testing if you are smarter than a 5th grader might be fun. There are numerous apps and websites to access for easy to challenging questions about America. You might learn something while adding a little relish to your hot dog.

Today’s Resolution: Achieve Match, Point, Game!

Today's Resolution: Achieve match, Point Game
Photo: We don’t always match, but when we do, we take photos and post them on the interwebs.

No, we’re not talking about Wimbledon. We’re talking about that black hole that seems to absorb our matches whether it is from our sock drawer or jewelry boxes. Instead of just overlooking and ignoring those singletons, make a concerted effort to gather up the forlorn socks, earrings, gloves, etc. Put them all in a box or other central location.

Explore all rooms, closets, drawers, and even the car. When you are done “excavating,” you might get lucky and find some matches in your box. If you aren’t so fortunate, make the hard decision to get rid of the leftover items or re-use them. Cotton socks make great glass cleaning rags!

Today’s Resolution: Infuse the Water Works!

Are your plants looking a little brown around the leaves? Sometimes it’s a challenge to remember to water household plants or garden greens. Designate a day each week to be your “Water Works Day” and take care of several water-related tasks at once. If you have a pet, check the water dish (of course, do this every day, but you can add it in to your “Water Works Day” too!).

Have a swimming pool? Check the water level to be sure it is high enough for the filter to work efficiently. Have you had your 8 glasses of water for the day? Fish bowl looking a little cloudy? You get the idea. Get out the hose, the watering can, or a bucket and make a splash with the H20.

Today’s Resolution: Beat the Heat; Conquer the Cold

Regardless of where you are geographically, the thermostat can exercise its control over us whether you live in a warm, cold, or temperate climate. Turning the air conditioning up (or the heat down in cooler months) even just a degree can help in decreasing monthly costs for energy.

Have a finished basement? This can serve as refuge from the heat. In many cases, basements are naturally cooler and no air conditioning is needed. Other things you can do to conserve energy: check windows to be sure they are completely closed when using the air conditioning or heat, close shades and curtains in unused rooms, and dress comfortably. It doesn’t cost anything to strip down to a t-shirt and shorts or to throw a blanket around you.

Today’s Resolution: Be Happy That You’re Happy

Today's Resolution: Be Happy That You're Happy

Last week I read the most jaded article on love, life and family. It said that the person that you marry is your partner, and you move forward together, but that life isn’t meant to be fun. It went on and on about work and hobbies and how marriage is basically just to have comfort and security when you’re done with that work and those hobbies. I understand the emphasis on personal interests, but not complete separation because although I think that often happens, why does it need to be ideal?

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ridiculously happy having fun, working alongside my partner in crime and sharing my hobbies with him too. Having an awesome boyfriend / girlfriend / fiance / wife / husband is like having a built in best friend and I can’t believe that anyone would feel like they’re just meant for end-of-day couch potato-ing and bitch fests.

So today’s resolution is to look around at the awesomeness that is your life. You’re ridiculously awesome partner in crime, your kids, your family, your friends, your pets, your hobbies or anything else that makes you deliriously happy on your best days. If nobody else in your life “gets it”, then that’s OK because we all have our own perceptions of happiness. Just don’t push what makes you happy on anyone else, and try to laugh away anyone who tries to do the same to you. 🙂

Happy day everyone!