May 2023

Daily Resolution: Check up on Where It’s MADE

Earlier in the summer there was quite a media splash about the US Olympic team wearing Opening Ceremony Uniforms that were not made in the USA (they were made in China). This media conversation lasted beyond one news day. Shortly thereafter, a commitment was even announced by the Olympic Committee that the USA team would wear USA made attire for the winter games in 2014.

Have you ever given much thought to the origin of the products YOU purchase, wear, and use regularly? Take an informal inventory and note labels to see where your personal belongings are made. What we buy is a personal choice, but it might make a difference to some to at least know where their products are coming from and why we purchase particular items.

Daily Resolution: Make Candy Dandy

Take any candy you have laying around your house (from Halloween, perhaps?) and share it in a dish at work or place in a dish at home for guests. Try not to keep it stashed away for your own personal consumption; this can be dangerous! If you let your kiddos have sweets, skim from the top for them and take the rest to contribute to a workplace treat bowl.

Daily Resolution: Investigate Urban Legends

Whether you have lived in an area for 10 days or 10 years, you can likely discover some interesting and sometimes frightening urban legends if you inquire about the local area. An urban legend does not actually refer to an urban environment but rather implies local stories and folklore that have been handed down without much documentation. Older children seem to be aware of these tales and often recant them around campfires or sleepovers. Many of these stories involve bridges, murders, woods, or strange creatures. Challenge yourself to discover an urban legend of your locale. If you know some, then share a few.

Daily Resolution: Get Armed for Germs

Patrick and I got hit with the cold bug all of last week and spent most days driving around buying tissues and various promises of cold cures.

Before the winter cold and flu season starts to really hit, go through your medicine cabinet and check out your arsenal of counterattacks to coughs , sore throats, and fevers. If you are like most people, medicine only becomes important when we need it, and then we feel too unwell to get what we need. It might not even be too late for that flu shot. Stock up on things like hand sanitizer, tissues, regular aspirin, throat lozenges, and even some chicken soup and a good movie! Check up on just how many sick days you have to use, just in case.

Daily Resolution: Put Out a Warrant(y)

So often when we purchase items we do not give a second thought to the warranty. Why would we? After all, our product is new. Somehow in the excitement to open our new item, direction manuals and warranty paperwork get lost in the shuffle or thrown away. Then 6 months down the road when you need troubleshooting information or free replacement of the defective item, you are stuck. Find a place to keep all such paperwork for times of need. If you don’t want the clutter, see if you can find some of your manuals online as pdf files and save in a well-marked file. Take the time to learn to what extent you are covered under warranties for major purchases.

Daily Resolution: Create a DIY Commute

Endeavor to find a more economical way to get to work or school for a day. Coordinate transportation to and from practices for your children. Arrange a car pool once a week for work. Take public transportation. Walk. Ride a bike. Telecommute! Taking the day off would conserve energy and time, but don’t tell your boss!

Daily Resolution: Cook with a Secret Ingredient

If you have ever watched the Iron Chef, you know about a “secret ingredient”. For those of you who are not familiar with the popular cooking show, the premise is for chefs to creatively and competitively use a selection of secret ingredients to create a delicious meal. Be your own Iron Chef for a day or even a week. Choose some food item you have never used in a meal before. Follow a recipe or create something impromptu. Check out this list of secret ingredients, too!  “Allez Cuisine!”

Daily Resolution: Protect the Crown Jewels

Take an inventory of personal valuables (especially jewelry), and be sure you have insurance coverage on any items that have more than sentimental value. Consider inconspicuous hiding places for your jewelry when you are not home for extended periods of time. There are many items on the market to help “hide” things such as fake ice cubes!  Just don’t forget where you have put things! Read more about the best and worst places to hide your valuables.

Daily Resolution: Try Going Au Naturel!

Sometimes we take for granted how much cosmetic embellishment we add to ourselves each day. Try going for a day without any cologne, scented body wash, make-up, or scented lotions. Think about why you use certain items beyond  any aesthetic  reasons. Examine what kinds of chemicals may be involved in the products you use on a daily basis. Find alternatives to products that use ingredients that are questionable. One recommendation: Don’t skip the deodorant.

Daily Resolution: Get Ahead On The Holidays

Plan ahead and brainstorm a timeline for yourself now, so the world does not come crashing down one week before the holidays. Pay particular attention to things you can do early.  If you are traveling for the holidays, get your arrangements squared away: accommodations, tickets, and any other reservations. Brainstorm gift lists. Get gift wrapping items. Buy baking ingredients for holiday goodies. Taking care of small things early will help you and others to enjoy the holidays more later.