Daily Resolution: Resolve to Resolve…But Do It Later

There is always a great deal of pressure in early January to make very specific resolutions. This only makes the chance at success even more challenging. Local gyms experience a surge in memberships, nicotine patches sell like hotcakes, and Lean Cuisines become a menu staple. Imagine that at the same time of year, the entire world’s population is focused on making lifestyle changes that are very apt to make one prone to crankiness and impatience. Hmmmm, so it might not be such a bad idea to wait a little while on the list of resolutions…unless procrastinating is your problem!

Daily Resolution: Come on Baby, Light a Fire

Tap into your inner pyro and light a fire. Maybe there’s a beach nearby, or a backyard BBQ pit? A traditional fireplace, perhaps? Today your goal is to light a fire. If you want to take it up a notch, learn how to light a fire the old fashioned way!


Daily Resolution: Survey the Damage

Take a personal survey today. Are you better off (physically and emotionally) than you were 3 months ago? If you answer “no,” then you need to ask why? Figure out what has changed in that span of time and consider steps to restore your peace of mind, your health, and maybe even your pocketbook. Giving ourselves carte blanche in November and December to indulge can be rejuvenating but also detrimental. No need for any guilt; see how far you may have veered off your path and right your rudder.

Daily Resolution: Avoid a Taxing Time of Year

With the close of the year close at hand, start gathering your documents and receipts to be used for submitting your taxes. Even though you still have plenty of time, start organizing your plan of attack. Make lists of deductions, put together verification of transactions to be noted, contact your tax preparer (or find one) and discuss the past year’s income and expenditures. Starting January 1st with an understanding of your tax situation can help you toward better strategies for the upcoming year. And this will only help you get that refund more quickly or give you the time to pay the government what is owed.

Daily Resolution: Rejoice! Re-Gift!

Inevitably there are things you will receive for the holiday season that you do not need or do not care for. Before it sits in a drawer or a closet, immediately re-gift it to someone who may appreciate it. Try a gift trade with a friend or family member who also has items to unload. Donate items to a charitable organization. Simple items can go a long way for someone in need or add a special touch to someone’s life. Rejoice in the power of re-gifting. How many Starbuck’s gift cards do you really need?