Today’s Resolution: Bookmark It!

Retrieving favorite sites from the internet can be literally a second away if you have bookmarked them. However, as with anything you save, clutter can easily accumulate even with bookmarks if you are incessantly adding to your hoard of favorites. Go through your bookmarks and delete anything that you might have forgotten about and no longer need/want. Revisit some of the sites if you need to determine if they are worth keeping or relevant. If you share a computer, make sure you check with others before you delete their favorite sites!

Today’s Resolution: Give Credit Where It Is Due

Credit is very valuable in today’s economic climate. Do you know your credit score? Think about when it was last checked. Has anything dramatically changed since then that might have affected it? There are many free services to tap into to find out your credit score; you should never pay for it. If your score is in the excellent range, pat yourself on the back. Whatever you are doing is working. If your score needs a little work, start thinking about how to help it. Consolidate loans, pay off balances owed, and build your net worth. Credit is great, but not if it is anchored in debt.

Photo credit: marsmet543 on Flickr.

Today’s Resolution: Hit the Wall

When it comes to cleaning and doing jobs around the house, there are certain ones that make the Top 5 list: vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, laundry, and making beds. However, there is one job that gets overlooked and can really spruce up a room if tackled…cleaning or touching up nagging spots on the wall or ceiling. Depending on the finish of your walls, you should proceed with caution though.

A semi-gloss finish should be fine if you take a small damp cloth and eradicate small marks. Need a little more than just a gentle wipe? Do some paint touch ups on places that require more attention. Errant marks can show up seemingly from thin air and we don’t always notice them (unless you have small children who cannot seem to keep their hands off walls and windows!). So find your spot and get busy!

Today’s Resolution: Extend an Olive Branch

We all get irritated with family members, spouses, colleagues, friends, and significant others from time to time. Sometimes people are aware of the annoyance, and sometimes they are not. Find some small gesture to extend to that person who at times can drive you nuts. The person need not know about the “annoyance factor” he/she radiates. Offer to do something nice for the person. Even making strong eye contact and a smile with a courteous and sincere “thank you” or “please” can be enough.

Today’s Resolution: Follow a New Blog

Participating in the internet community can be intimidating and even awkward for those not used to it. Some people “drop in” to conversations, some like to stand out in a social network setting, some enjoy remaining behind the scenes. Having a sense of belonging is something the internet can provide to just about anyone. Become a part of a discussion on a topic you enjoy; find a blog to follow. There are blogs for everything. See what others have to say on topics that are important to you, and in the same vein, share your ideas and knowledge with others. Get connected.