February 2012

#33 Complete: Perfume vs. Cologne vs. Eau De Toilette

Resolution: Learn Something New

Oh snap, ya’ll, we learned all kinds of things today. First, we learned a ton about Dead Sea Salt, which comes from the Dead Sea and is in all kinds of body products that lots of us use on a daily basis. In short, we learned that it’s great for different types of arthritis, because when used on the hands (in a scrub or raw), the minerals absorb into your skin and boosts circulation. Additionally, it’s awesome for acne and psoriasis, and even for allergies. The part that made the most sense, was the benefit for wrinkles. Wikipedia claims a 40% decrease in wrinkles for those who used it on their face and body regularly. Makes sense, with skin constantly regenerating and all.

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#32 Complete: Discovered a Healthy Peanut Butter Shake

Resolution: Try a New Delicious Recipe

As we tumble along this journey of trying to eat well, lower carbs and cut calories, it’s pretty freaking heard to find food that’s low in calories that isn’t made up of a billion artificial sweeteners. In fact, if you have any good ones, definitely let us know in the comments!

So we donated our extra books to charity a while ago but hung onto a few that were meant for a couple of chubbos like us who want to eat better and lose weight. One of those books was the Eat Great, Lose Weight. I like it because it has a lot of pictures, and that’s sort of important when determining what you want to eat.

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