Life Or Depth

Welcome, Friends From Stumble Upon!

Receive a New Life-Altering Resolution Every Day


Amanda & Patrick

Welcome to Life or Depth! We created this website for ourselves, friends and distant friends so that we can all live life a little more intentionally.

That’s Amanda and I on the left. One of our recent resolutions was to take a silly photo of ourselves. As you can see we’re darn silly. We’ve attracted a large group of people that enjoy receiving our daily resolution. Why don’t you join us? It’s FREE!
Sign Up For Life or Depth


We take privacy very seriously. We’ll never sell your name, give it away, or even trade it for new Pokemon cards. Promise.

Why Are We Doing This?


It’s true what your mom told you when you were in high-school about that whole “life flies by when you get older”. Why not attempt to regain meaning in every day by conducting one small task per day that will make your life a little brighter and meaningful. That’s what we’re doing here.

We don’t care how busy you are. Take a minute, ten minutes, or an hour for yourself today, your family, or your peace of mind. And if you miss a resolution, that’s OK too—there’s a new one every day.

Ok, what do these emails look like?


More on how is structured.


Blog: Resolutions

In our resolutions blog, we’ll be posting a daily resolution. Most will require no expenses and will be able to be completed at a moments notice (as in, we won’t ask you to fly to Japan tomorrow) but we might ask you to plan a hypothetical trip there.

Blog: Executions

Along the way we’ll be documenting our own trip through these resolutions. We promise they’ve been mixed up in advance so that we too have no idea what order they’ll be in and are purposefully forgetting what comes next. We’ll be posting photos, videos and anything else that’ll help us live a better, more thoughtful year.


Calling us product-experimenters is an understatement. We adore thinkers and do’ers like Tim Ferriss who are willing to test and try everything. So when we try a tea, healthy recipe, supplement or even a new meditation app that kicked our day in the pants, we’ll be sharing it here.

4 Reasons to Join the Life or Depth Daily Resolution Newsletter


  • You receive a fresh baked resolution everyday.
  • Life or Depth is a passion project for us. We run other businesses but Life or Depth is our baby that we hope to nurture into a really vibrant community.
  • Even if you can’t complete the days resolution it’s still really fun to think about them.
  • It’s completely free and always will be.

Are You Ready to Join Us? Sign up Now!


Best resolutions to you,

Patrick H.