Thank You for Subscribing!

Your Daily Resolution will show up at 12:00am EST every day (we’re working on the global timing thing… promise).


We need you to confirm your email address first. Check yourinbox (and spam folders) for our confirmation email. 

Please remember to whitelist and add to your address book so our emails make their way into your inbox every day.

Once you confirm your email address you’ll start receiving a resolution to your email inbox every day. Most will require no expenses and will be easily completed with a moment’s notice (as in, we won’t ask you to fly to Japan tomorrow)—but we might ask you to plan a hypothetical trip there.

Check your inbox now, your confirmation email should be arriving shortly.

Pat & Amanda

And by the way, feel free to email us your thoughts at info(at)lifeordepth(dot)com or get in touch on Twitter via @lifeordepth