Today’s Resolution: Follow Through

If you’ve been on an epic-failure path of following through lately, this resolution is the fork in your back telling you to cut the crap. In honor of this resolution I’ll also challenge you to make plans that you’ll also follow through on. Let’s do our best to be accountable to ourselves and others.

Today’s Resolution: Do It Yourself

Today’s resolution is to “do it yourself”. That project you’ve been waiting for help on? Do it yourself. Those dishes you hoped someone else would clean? Do them yourself. The blame-game handoff at work? End the cycle and do it yourself. Start a do-it-yourself project, make dinner instead of getting takeout—do it yourself.

Today’s Resolution: Fund a Kickstarter Project

Kickstarter is like angel investing for poor people (er… middle class people?). You don’t need a million dollars to support a product, you only need like $5 or $25 and you usually get something neat out of it. When you find a KickStarter project that you like, you only pay if the project is funded, so if you donate $100 and they don’t meet their goal, you won’t be charged. If they are, then you’ll get something (usually the product they’re raising money for) eventually down the road. For example, a band might ask you to help fund their album, and if you donate $10 or something, they’ll send you an advance copy when it’s ready. Or a couple of kids might have come up with a new iPhone gadget and you’ll get it hot off the presses once they’re produced. Or maybe there’s a fancy new pen in town. Anyway, today’s resolution is to help fund a project. You only need $1 to participate.

Today’s Resolution: Watch a Movie That Makes You Feel Empowered

Isn’t it nice when the underdog comes out on top? Especially when you’re not feeling as tip-top as usual? Today your resolution is to find a movie that makes you feel good and watch it. Possibly on repeat. These movies are gonna differ whether you’re a man or woman, but I’m pretty sure don’t need any instruction from me. You already have something in mind, don’t you?

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Today’s Resolution: Say No When You Want to Say No

As a “yes” person you might find a billion reasons to make other people happy even when it’s at the sake of putting yourself in debt, getting thrown into awkward situations, or being used as a doormat. And it’s not because you’re a sucker, because you’re well aware of when you’re being used and abused by “takers”, but sometimes you just think you’re a superhero. Well, if you’re a “yes” person and you need a day off, today is the day to say no.