Today’s Resolution: Make Yourself Laugh

Your number one goal today is to laugh. Faking a laugh would be fun (to watch) and all but let’s face it — there’s a junkload more ways to slap a toothy grin on your face. Watch a funny movie, go see a comedy show, think of a handful of funny things that always make you laugh out loud, read Twitter, read Facebook, watch silly cat videos, browse DamnYouAutocorrecteBaum’s World, and about a billion memes out there. You’ve got an arsenal, now laugh your brains out!

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Today’s Resolution: Be a Tourist in Your Own City

In 50 years, your town/city will probably look nothing like it does now. And how much do you really know about where you live? Do you know how your city was founded, any weird laws that haven’t been revoked yet, or which hotel in town is haunted? Have you visited all of the parks and statues, and read all of the plaques? In most cases, the answer to this bag of questions is probably a consolidated “no”. That’s cool.

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Today’s Resolution: Let Go of a Grudge, Even If You Do It Privately

There’s somebody in your life that needs to be forgiven. Not for their sake, but for yours. Maybe they’re a coward, a cheat, a liar, or maybe they pulled down your pants in gym class twenty years ago. It doesn’t matter if they’ve affected your life recently or if their wrongdoing has hurt you for your entire life. Today’s resolution is to let go.

Let’s be realistic, whatever it is that you’re holding onto isn’t hurting them. They’re not the ones thinking about it. It’s probably not even upsetting them and it’s definitely not ruining their life (except in certain circumstances, of course).

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Today’s Resolution: Learn To Love a New Ingredient

The days that I discovered garlic, strawberries, goat cheese and pickles were probably the most blissful days of my food-consuming life and it’s a bummer that I can’t recall them. In an effort to recapture those taste-budding moments, we have a resolution that asks us all to learn to love a new ingredient.

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Today’s Resolution: Give Yourself Alone Time

Even though having a kick-butt significant other, child, best friend or roommate is super-duper great—sometimes alone time is good for the soul. There are things you don’t (usually) do with other people that are great stress-busting, independence building activities that we often forget about in our daily lives. A bath, for example, might be a distant memory. Or perhaps, driving alone and singing at the top of your lungs on a backroad where nobody can see or hear you. Maybe you’ve been wanting to cut your nails or dye your hair or wash your car. Alone time is a fundamental element of individuality, so today your resolution is to take that time.

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