Today’s Resolution: Stay Focused and Productive

If you’re in the US, you’re probably thinking that this resolution doesn’t apply to you, but it does. It’s Memorial Day, so what? Well, how often do you spend time with your friends and family and sometimes disappear onto your phone checking email or reading Facebook? If you have the day off today, your goal is to stay focused on what you’re doing (like having a BBQ). Put the distractions away and be awesome at what you’re doing right now—even if it’s eating a hotdog—by staying focused.  And if not, then get back to work!

This week I’ll be using a Chrome browser extension called Stay Focused. It lets me set an allotted time to view certain web pages. Once my time is up it blocks the website for the rest of the day. They also make a browser extension for Firefox user called Leech Block that does the same thing.

I look forward to staying more productive this week. Let me know how you make out and if you’ve been using other tools to stay focused and productive.