November 2022

Today’s Resolution: Turn the TV Off

I know, for some folks this resolution will be really tough. Keeping the TV off  today may make you crazed but if you take a little time to prepare you’ll get so much more done today. Spend more time with friends and family, or get a couple extra chores done. Heck, maybe there’s a board game that needs to get dusted off?

Do your best to be TV-free today!


Today’s Resolution: Walk Barefoot on Grass

Walk Barefoot on Grass

Walking barefoot on grass is supposed to reduces stress and make you feel good. I tend to believe that because I have fond memories of running barefoot on my parent’s front lawn with not a care in the world!

Today, take a nice stroll through a patch of grass if you can (and some tall carpet if you can’t). Stretch out those toes and feel the earth beneath you.

P.S. I found this link to 125 reason to go barefoot.

Leave a comment and let me know how your walk went!

Todays Resolution: Plant a Seed

Plant a Seed

Today you’re dusting off those green thumbs.Whether it be a tree or a flower, fruit or a vegetable. Plant a seed in a special place that you’ll see often.

Today’s Resolution: Be a Beacon of Positivity

Be a Beacon of Positivity

Today is the day where you’re going to let the positive vibes flow. Before you start your day, take 5 or 10 minutes to look at yourself in the mirror. Re-discover your past accomplishments. Relive a moment that brought you joy. Dream about all the good you will do. Now you’re ready to take on the day.

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Today’s Resolution: Reach for Your Toes

Today's Resolution: Reach for Your Toes

Maintaing flexibility as we get older is an important part of our health. Today’s resolution is to reach for your toes. Try your best to stretch out and touch your feet. If you can’t quite make it, don’t worry. You now have a starting point to work from. Start off each day by doing a short stretch and you’ll improve your circulation, flexibility and your alertness in the morning.

Today’s Resolution: Preview The Week Ahead

Preview The Week Ahead

Want to start the week off right? The secret is take time during the weekend to plan for the week ahead. Don’t drive yourself crazy. Just take 30 minutes to run down each day and make a note of anything you need to take action on. By Wednesday you’ll be thanking yourself. Get your week under control before it starts

Today’s Resolution: See Things From a Child’s Perspective

See the world through a child's perspective

Sometimes we grow up and lose sight of our inner child. For some, imaginations have been banished away and all that’s left is a stuffy adult ego. Today’s resolution is to see the world from a child’s perspective. As your going about your day, ask yourself how a child would perceive the activities and people in it. What new things would they see, how would they react and where would they want to go? This is a exercise you should repeat often. It will make you a more humble, respectful and happier person.

How did you inner child see the world today? Let me know in the comments.

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Today’s Resolution: Donate Money to Your Favorite Cause

Donate To Your Favorite Cause

In past resolutions we’ve asked you to donate clothes and fund Kickstarter projects. Today’s resolution is to donate money to your favorite cause. Don’t have a favorite cause? Use today to think about the topics, issues and organizations that speak most to you. Donate as much as you like. If you want to take it to the next level, schedule to donate again in three months. Donations, by the way, aren’t just money. Your time is also a wonderful donation to many organizations.

What organizations and causes do you plan on donating to? Let us know in the comments.

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Today’s Resolution: Call or Visit an Elderly Relative

There is so much to learn from our grandparents, great aunts and uncles and other elderly relatives. Todays’s resolution is to call or visit one of them. See how their doing… let them know how much they mean to you. If you have the time, take them out to lunch. It will mean the world to them. Try to make ongoing plans to call or visit with them every few weeks. It will a rewarding conversation for the both of you.

Today’s resolution was submitted by one of our subscribers. If you have a idea for a resolution, submit it via email to info (at) or you can always leave it as a comment.

Today’s Resolution: Whistle With a Blade of Grass

Whistle With a Blade of Grass

Back in grade school, there were the kids who could whistle with their fingers, the kids who could only whistle with their mouths, the kids who could use a blade of grass, and the ones who couldn’t whistle at all. Today you’ll be whistling with a blade a grass. For some people it will remind them of their childhood, for others it’s a reminder of spring. Below is an instructional video to help you .