Today’s Resolution: Act Like a Superhero

If people didn’t like superheroes, the box office would be broke right now. So today, be a superhero: a superhero of household chores, a superhero of getting your own coffee, a superhero of standing up for someone getting picked on, a superhero of holding the door for a line of people that never seems to end… you get it. Be awesome. Be independent. Be “the better person”.

Unless you’re physically unable to do something, don’t ask for help today. Instead, help everyone else. Help people when they ask for it. Help people when they don’t ask for it. Choose your favorite superhero and go with it.

No capes necessary, just love for our fellow humans. Step into your invisible (or visible, if you like) superhero costume and for every situation today, ask yourself “how can I do this better than anyone else?” Then flex your muscles in the mirror like Popeye.

And when your day of crime-frighting ends today, a beer or glass of wine will surely be well-deserved.

Complete: Act Like a SuperHero (and other tales of crab-napping)…