Today’s Resolution: Read a Comic Book

I find myself reading more and more comics online. It’s kinda ironic because I was never really into comics as a kid. Today, head over to your friendly neighborhood comic shop and grab an issue. If you’re not familiar with any current stories ask someone at the store to help you out.

Today’s Resolution: Pump Up The Volume

Sometimes I forget to listen to music. It’s really weird, I’ll go through periods of time where I don’t listen to any music. Today I’ll be cranking up the tunes and sneaking over to Hype Machine to hear what the kids are into.

Do you forget to listen to music too?

Today’s Resolution: Sing a Silly Song to Someone

I’m always singing silly songs to Amanda. I can’t help it. It’s fun! If you chicken out at the last minute you can always sing a silly song to yourself.

Today’s Resolution: Learn How to Fix Something

Learn How To Fix Something

It’s really practical to learn how to fix things. You’ll save yourself money and get the satisfaction of doing it on your own. Today I’ll be learning how to fix a lawn mower. Wish me luck!

Did you learn how to fix anything today? Be sure to share it with us in the comments.

Today’s Resolution: Plan a Diet

We’re gearing up to go on a diet. We’ll be spending the day clearing the cabinets of junk food. Shopping for healthy foods and prepping meals for the week. Our diet starts Monday and we’re never looking back! For us, this diet is the beginning of a permanent lifestyle change.