Today’s Resolution: Wash in Cold

Be gentle with your clothes the next time you send them through the wash cycle; use cold water. Warm or hot water tends to fade items more quickly and can be more costly. For heavily soiled items, you can soak them first and rinse under water before putting them in with the load. Not convinced? Try it and see if you can tell the difference.

Today’s Resolution: Engage in Pillow Talk

One of the niceties of going on vacation is indulging in luxuries you might not normally get to enjoy. Even something as simple as complimentary soaps and shampoo can be enough to make you feel special. Consider adding that same kind of special touch the next time you have an overnight guest by placing a few chocolates or other candies on their pillow. Add a note: “We’re so glad you came!” No overnight guests? Extend the gesture to your spouse, children, or significant other. The effect will go far when they are not expecting it.

Image source: This cute pillow set by restintheword on Etsy

Today’s Resolution: Fill ‘er Up

Take a look in your medicine cabinet, refrigerator, pantry, or even garage for products that can either be consolidated or can be replenished with a “refill” item. Save space by combining the two half-filled ketchup bottles on the door of the refrigerator. Restaurants do this! Check for economy saving refill containers for items such as window cleaner or hand soap the next time you go shopping. Fill the gas tank in the lawnmower so it’s ready to go for the next time you cut the grass; maybe you can get someone to do that chore for you!

Today’s Resolution: Embrace Nostalgia

Have you ever unexpectedly caught a scent in the wind that took you back to a place in your mind that floods you with fond memories? Maybe it’s the perfume your first girlfriend wore, that locker room smell after a big game, or mom’s home cooking. Has a song you heard today reminded you of a good time in your life? Find a few moments today to dig out that old yearbook, photo album, journal, or whatever contains some visual reminders of happy days. And don’t be filled with sorrow over the passing of those days; instead, be grateful you had them.

Image source: Quasimood on Flickr

Today’s Resolution: Memorize a Limerick

Limericks are nonsensical, entertaining, rhythmic, and clever. They are 4 or 5 line poems that fulfill several criteria: the first line is usually about a person or place (“There was an old man with a beard” ), there is a rhyme pattern, and they have a sing-song rhythm. Find a few to memorize; Edward Lear and Ogden Nash may provide some good examples. Better yet, write one about yourself. Caution: Watch out for the naughty ones!

Image source: Hanataro on Flickr