Daily Resolution: Make Your Vote Count!

Brush up on your last minute politics and get ready to vote. Encourage family and friends to participate in democracy. Find your nearest election polling center, and be prepared to exercise your right to choose. And then when you are done, grab a thank you cookie and flash your “I Voted” sticker proudly.

If you’re outside of the US, then put something else up to a vote today!

Daily Resolution: Get a “Face”-lift

Online social networking has evolved a great deal in the last decade. It has become a quick way to follow friends, but it has also become an avenue for employers and other supervisors to keep tabs on people. Check your social network sites and be sure there is nothing incriminating or offensive on it. Try to be objective and make certain any images or comments could not be misconstrued.  Examine relationships and decide if they are ethical (example: teachers and students). It is very easy to lose some inhibitions and good judgment while online; check yourself periodically and give yourself a “face”-lift whenever necessary.

Daily Resolution: Figure Out “What’s in a Name”

Shakespeare’s Juliet said, “What’s in a name. A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet,” because she did not care that Romeo was a Montague (her family’s mortal enemy). However, naming people and products is big business. There are myriads of baby names books on the market for doting parents who want to choose a meaningful name for their child. Do you know how or why you have your name? Whether you are the next in a line of generations to carry a prestigious family name or your parents just liked the sound of your name, try to find more meaning behind it.

Daily Resolution: Make a Clean Sweep

Seldom do we think about whether our cleaners need cleaning. I am speaking of brooms, vacuums, and other sweepers. It’s easy to forget that these items need periodic cleaning or even replacing if not maintained. Check brooms frequently. If not cleaned or replaced, you could be simply spreading more dirt around your house. Hose off outdoor brooms used in garages or sheds and let them air dry. Check belts and bags/dirt collecting containers on vacuums. Plastic vacuum containers that collect the dirt can be washed with soap and warm water. A clean sweep might cut your cleaning time in half!

Daily Resolution: Check up on Where It’s MADE

Earlier in the summer there was quite a media splash about the US Olympic team wearing Opening Ceremony Uniforms that were not made in the USA (they were made in China). This media conversation lasted beyond one news day. Shortly thereafter, a commitment was even announced by the Olympic Committee that the USA team would wear USA made attire for the winter games in 2014.

Have you ever given much thought to the origin of the products YOU purchase, wear, and use regularly? Take an informal inventory and note labels to see where your personal belongings are made. What we buy is a personal choice, but it might make a difference to some to at least know where their products are coming from and why we purchase particular items.