Today’s Resolution: Sing in the Shower

No need to pipe down this morning for anyone! If you feel like singing that tune that’s been stuck in your head, sing it! Use your shampoo bottle as a microphone and the shower as your stage. Just don’t, you know, whip open the curtain or anything. Things could get a little… damp.

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Today’s Resolution: Plan a Labyrinth Walk

Today’s Resolution: Do That Thing for That Person Who Asked You That Time

Today’s Resolution: Make a Toast to Something Important

Today’s Resolution: Give It All You’ve Got

Some people have “it” and some people don’t. I’d like to think that anyone who’s following our little resolution blog probably has “it”. And by “it” I mean, motivation, power, confidence, free-will and the awesomeness to want to change the world. They do their own laundry, pay their own bills, shovel when it snows and by golly if a friend needs help moving, they don’t even ask for free pizza and beer!

So today’s resolution is to “give it all you’ve got”. Despite having a bad week, or even a bad hair day, just be awesome today. Don’t do anything half-assed and be proud of everything you accomplish, even if it’s just taking out the trash.

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